Mazhuang Village, Yuhe Town, Huixian City, Xinxiang City, Henan Province, China
Brass Rusting ConditionsBrass is a copper-zinc alloy. After water washing, if it is in a normal environment, since zinc is more active than copper, when the wat···
AnnealingStress relief annealing: Tin bronzecan be stress relief annealed. During casting, cold working, etc., tin bronze generates internal stresses. Stress re···
Cleaning and lubricationWhen copper bushing hold-up is caused by impurities entering the mating gap, cleaning can be attempted first. Use a suitable organic sol···
When cold mounting eccentric copper bushings, different mounting deviation indicators have different allowable ranges, the following are some common mounting de···
PreparationTools and materials: Prepare the required tools, such as traveling crane, hand hoist, jack, gauge, dry ice (or other cooling medium), protective glov···
Oil-impregnated copper bushingsAdvantages:Good lubrication performance: after oil-impregnated treatment, a large amount of lubricant is stored inside, which can···